At OptionsMaster – Research Analyst work continuously on Training and updating staff and Executives, adopting new technology and improving infrastructure to give benefit to our customers. We are Equipped with Highly reliable software, tools, newswires, communication devices, internet, and technologies, well trained & qualified staff/representatives to protect clients investment and help them get good returns over years and .
We strive to be acknowledged as a leader in helping our clients succeed in the world’s rapidly evolving financial markets. We Endeavour to be valued as a leader in client satisfaction, service performance, financial strength & profitability. We work hard continuously to enhance our reputation for accessibility, professionalism, analysis & depth & quality of our long term consultative relationship with clients.
Somnath started conducting seminars on stock market trading and Investments on all type like Basics of stock market, Fundamental analysis, technical analysis and data analysis even he had designed some modified options strategies which are totally differed but in very low risk rewards high. He also known as Option master in his area Nasik and Uttar Maharashtra.
Now, he has designed very successful strategy using open Interest, Options data, Elliott wave theory and Demand zone and Supply zone which is not rewarding to his clients in his area but also all over India.
He possess almost 19 years of experience with him in this period he has seen all type of Bull market, Bear market as well as sideways market. He suggest traders and investors that they have to separate their strategies for trading and investing as per he, the 365 days of year contains almost 120 holidays and in the remaining 245 days market or any stocks in trends almost 45 days and remaining 200 days sideways or in trading zones where trend trades always fail but contra trades always win.
He develop the psychology of trader to trade confidently by controlling their fears and greed. He always tell their clients that if you quite confident on your system then fear or greed not come in to play but if you are in doubt then it will eat all your profits and put you in loss.
He tells that in his last 19 years he made a lot of mistakes but always learnt from every mistake he had made and that make him a successful trader as well as help to create a strategic system which is quite profitable now in market.
Now, he is ready to share the same strategic system with you and it is the greatness about him I think.
The complex structure and concepts of this system he explains such way that everyone feels that they know the things very well and already experienced in the market. He gives the direction to thinking. The simplicity of him and the simple language use in workshops make the trainings very comfortable that everyone see and feel it like family and discuss every doubt fully that helps everyone benefited from it and think yes, it is worth more than value for money.
Somnath has an excellent academic record with a Degree in Commerce and a MBA from ICFAI. He spent his years of career in the Finance in India only. He is also CWM ( Chartered Wealth Manager ) from AAFM { American Academy of Financial Market )